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Meet & Greet on Slack

That's where the OpenMetadata enthusiasts are;
apart from GitHub, of course.

Catch up with all the discussions and queries on the growing world of metadata. Know what other users are looking for and how OpenMetadata contributes to make their lives easier.

Learn, engage, and get going with your organization's needs!

Monthly Meetups

Join us every month over Zoom to learn about OpenMetadata's progress. Catch up with some exciting news on the upcoming features. Benefit from the informative webinars, watch live demos, ask questions, and share your feedback.

Stay tuned for the latest in Metadata management!

Join OpenMetadata Meetup Group

OpenMetadata Webinars

Here's a Webinar on Data Quality Simplified: Effortlessly Build, Deploy, Monitor, & Configure Alerts with our No-Code Platform. Watch Teddy Crépineau, Founding Software Engineer at Collate demo the easy-to-use and extensible data quality features to get to reliable data faster.

Learn to proactively hone the data culture of your company. With a built-in goal-setting and tracking mechanism in Data Insights, you can now set targets, monitor, and boost teams to accomplish data goals to foster a healthy data culture using OpenMetadata.

Watch out for an end-to-end coverage on everything you need to know about Data Lineage, Data Quality & Profiler, Roles & Policies, Custom Connectors, Data Culture, Storage Services, Setting up Integrations for Metadata Ingestion, Data Discovery, and a lot more.

Missed a Meeting? Access it Anytime

You can watch all of our previous meetings on YouTube.

You'll also find some short feature videos there. Here's what's most recent. Take a look!

May 8th, 2024

Feb 1st, 2024